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Galactic Council Collective of Planet Earth

is a collective vision of many


Dedicated to The Children of our Future and the Planet Earth. This mother has given us so much so we are here to help spread consciousness in a positive format. I want this page intents to be realistic and positive. We have enough Negative. GCCPE is associated with all NGO's, NPO's, artist, musicians, healers, business, individuals and tribes to help spread communication of activities that we can help participate in. From conferences, summits, retreats, events, festivals, and gatherings..Anything that helps humans, male and female connect on a conscious level. There are music groups as well as organizations that will want to call themselves Galactic Council of the light, Jedi, etc.  All Humans have the right to shelter, food, health and equal opportunity. We recognize all the original council holders of the tribal community to become the keepers of the new council of the New Earth society forming.


Galactic Council is a non government force with no power except that of love, wisdom, respect and communications. We only spread Love, peace, unity and conscious communications. The future of all the children on Earth depend on our actions. Activities can be formed thru council members collaborating across the world and we can approve or dis-aprove on such if a proper format is created.. In other words lets be a watchful owl on wolves in sheeps clothing events or activities to protect fellow humans. We can actually be a counciling force to help others be it organizations or people. War is not something we need to ever expereince or talk about so I'm putting the intention out that THE GCCPE does not believe in war. Thats is the job of formal governments or world powers to handle those politics. We are Children of the Light and solely goal is to spread the light.. Even in the darkest corners. Be it all cultures, colors, beliefs, races, and religion. This page represents a world body, not just in western world but in whole world. Any other discussions are open towards creating a greater web presence and even events in any country. 

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